Feeding Essentials For Baby

People told me breastfeeding would be hard, but I didn’t know what to expect until I actually had a baby of my own! When Weston was born, feeding was by far one of our biggest challenges. Suddenly something that seemed so simple became very complex. Dealing with latching issues forced me to look into alternative options for feeding and I eventually decided to pump exclusively and feed Weston breast milk through bottles.

This method has worked wonderfully for all of us! Weston took to the bottle immediately and Jordan was able to help with feedings during those tiring first few weeks which made such a difference. I also love that our friends and family can feed him when they come to visit!

This month is breast feeding awareness month and I’m teaming up with Walmart to inspire and encourage other mamas with products that will make their lives easier while keeping baby healthy and happy when it comes to feeding. Walmart has a wide variety of products to meet the need of every mom and baby. Whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or using formula, know that a fed baby is best! I hope every mom truly feels empowered to choose what’s best for them without feeling any ounce of fear or guilt. Here are a few products we use and love!

My Feeding Essentials

Breast Pump

I pump five times a day to keep my supply up and have enough milk for Weston! This pump has worked great as I only have to pump for about ten minutes each time!

Bottle Warmer

This bottle warmer is such a game changer. I love being able to put the bottle in and know it will be the perfect temperature when I take it out! Saves me so much time when preparing for a feed.

Drying Rack

I like how clean and compact this drying rack is. It’s great for drying all the bottles and small parts!


We tried a few different bottles and ended up going with the Dr. Browns. They have a great flow and allow you to change out the nipple size as baby grows!

Freezer Bags

I always try to keep some extra milk stored up just in case! These bags are also great when you’re on the go and need to store the milk without taking up a lot of space. Bring these freezer bags along with a cooler tote to keep the milk fresh until you get home!

My Feeding Schedule

I was craving routine when I first had Weston, but routine can be hard when it comes to dealing with a newborn! I tried setting times for scheduled feedings and it worked okay, but often left me feeling frustrated if the schedule wasn’t matching up with his needs. I decided to start tracking his hunger and sleepy cues and found this was the best way to get into a routine. After writing down his feedings and naps I was able to determine a flexible schedule that kept mama and baby happy. 🙂 Weston is a little over three months old right now and here is an example of his schedule over four days. I’ll continue to track his cues so that I can adjust the schedule as he grows. I truly hope this is helpful for you in some way, but don’t forget every baby is different so do what works best for you!

I’ve included the full roundup of our feeding essentials below. Make sure to check out Walmart for all of your baby and feeding essentials!


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