Five Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Clutter-Free

Photo Source – Photo by Amy Bartlam. Design by Lindsey Brooke Design.

I don’t know about you, but a clean kitchen is a MUST for me! I think I wipe down the kitchen countertops about five times a day… a trait I most certainly acquired from my mom 🙂 I have a few hard and fast rules I live by when it comes to keeping our kitchen tidy. I’ll list them for you below in case you’re looking for a few tips!

1. Limit What You Have

I keep only what I actually use on a daily basis stored in the kitchen. Everything else either gets tossed, donated, or stored in bins for that one time a year I need it!

2. Make Sure Everything Has A Place

It’s a lot easier to clean things up and put them away if they actually have a place to be stored. Make sure your drawers and cupboards are organized in a way that makes tidying up quick and easy!

3. Do A Weekly Clean Sweep

Pick a day to go through your pantry and refrigerator to clean out the old and restock the new! I do this every Sunday morning before I go to the store. Keeping up with the cleanliness makes it a much less daunting task.

4. Use Bins And Baskets

Initially, it can be a bit of a financial investment to buy all of those jars, bins, and baskets. But once you have them you’re set for years to come! Trust me, you’ll feel like Marie Kondo herself once you get in the routine of storing things this way.

5. Keep Your Countertops Clear

Reducing clutter is the easiest way to make your kitchen feel clean. I find a spot for everything in a drawer or cupboard. If it can’t fit, that just means I need to get rid of something! I only keep as much as my kitchen can store and no more.

Can’t wait to see how you get organized! Tag me in your Instagram stories so we can see all the before and afters!


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