SURPRISE! We’re Having a Baby

Photography by Corrie Lynn Photo

We’re having a baby! YAY! The secret is finally out. It’s so hard to show up on Instagram daily and keep secrets haha. So I’m super excited to finally share the news with you!

Here are some more details about Baby Staples in case you want the full scoop:

Due Date: January 15, 2023

Weeks: Currently 14 weeks

Gender: We got the results from my blood test and are having the gender reveal this Sunday! As of right now, my mom is the only one that knows, so Jordan and I will be surprised at the reveal and can’t wait. Tune in to stories this week for a little sneak peek and gender reveal next week on the blog and Instagram!

How I’m Feeling: My symptoms were the exact same as when I was pregnant with Weston! Nauseous and tired for the first trimester, then right at the 12-week mark all the symptoms went away and I felt back to 100%. So thankful to be feeling like myself again!

It’s been amazing to see how God has worked in my life through pregnancy and motherhood. My delivery and early motherhood months with Weston were a very trying time for me. So much so that I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it all over again. I was gripped with fear over the thought of having to live through those uncertain moments again. But, like God always does, He showed up and changed my heart. After lots of thoughtful prayer, He replaced my fear with faith and worry with perfect peace. Jordan and I are overjoyed and grateful God has blessed us with another gift in this little one! We’re thankful to have all of you following along and sharing in this joyful time with us… Stay tuned for more baby and nursery updates coming soon! 🙂

Much love,

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One thought on “SURPRISE! We’re Having a Baby

  1. This is beautiful. I love you, I’m proud of you. God is our strength. We put our trust in him. ❤️🙏🏻

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